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- "Advanced Problems in Mechanics"
- "Bionic hand prosthesis"
- "Crystal"
- "Теоретическая механика"
- 3D models of mechanisms
- A.A. Le-Zakharov
- A.A. Sokolov
- A.E. Osokina
- A.M. Krivtsov
- A.S. Murachev
- A.Yu. Panchenko
- A. Krivtsov
- A. M. Krivtsov
- A. Yu. Panchenko
- AK
- Academic plan of the International Master Degree Program "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling"
- Administration
- Advanced Mechanics of Solids
- Advanced Modeling in Mechanics
- Advanced Problems in Continuum Mechanics
- Advanced Problems in Mechanics
- Advanced problems in mechanics
- Alexey Porubov
- AlpineReplay
- Analysis of a simple harmonic oscillator
- Analysis of a simple nonlinear oscillating system
- Analytical Methods of Applied Mechanics
- Anton Krivtsov
- Anton Krivtsov: Additional publications
- Anton Krivtsov: Selected publications
- Anton Miroslavovich Krivtsov
- Applied research
- Applied researches
- Atomic force microscope
- Berinskii I. E.
- Berinskii Igor
- Biomechanics
- Biomechanics and Medical Engineering
- Biomechanics medicinal engineering
- CNC yacht
- Calculus of Variations and Integral Equations
- Center for scientific and technical creativity
- Chain
- Compare soliton with wave
- Comparison of solitons and waves
- Computational mechanics
- Computer Modeling
- Computer Technology in Mechanics
- Computer Technology in Mechanics I
- Computer Technology in Mechanics II
- Computer science in mechanics
- Computer technology in mechanics
- Conway's Game of Life
- D.V. Tsvetkov
- Department Staff
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- Displacement covariance in one-dimensional crystal
- Displacement variance in one-dimensional crystal
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- Driven oscillations of a mass on a nonlinear spring
- Dynamics of Discrete Media
- Dynamics of Rod Structures
- Dynamics of Thin-Walled Structures
- Dynamics of a particle in a central field
- Dynamics of discrete-continuum systems
- Dynamics of discrete media
- Dynamics of granular media
- Dynamics of interacting particles
- Dzenushko Dainis: Walking mechanisms survey
- E.A. Ivanova
- E.A. Podolskaya
- E.N. Vilchevskaya
- E. A. Podolskaya
- Energy and Environment
- Energy fluctuations in one-dimensional crystal
- Experimental methods of determination of mechanical characteristics of micro and nanoobjects
- FabLab
- Fab Lab Polytech
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- Finite Element Modeling
- Finite Element Modeling and Machine Learning
- Fluctuations in energy-dimensional crystal
- Foreign Language in the Professional Sphere I
- Foreign Language in the Professional Sphere II
- Foreign language
- Foundations of nanomechanics
- Fundamentals of Geology and Development of Oil and Gas Fields
- Fundamentals of Geomechanics and Development of Oil and Gas Fields I
- Fundamentals of Geomechanics and Development of Oil and Gas Fields II
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- Heat transfer in a 1D harmonic crystal
- Heat transfer in a 1D harmonic crystal: periodic temperature
- Heat transfer in a 1D harmonic crystal: regular temperature
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- History and methodology of mathematics and mechanics
- History and methodology of mechanics
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- Hydrodynamic Modeling
- I.D. Antonov
- I.E. Berinskii
- I.N. Trunova
- I. E. Asonov
- I. E. Berinskii
- IT in Mechanics
- IT technologies in mechanics
- Igor Asonov
- Interactive harmonic oscillator model
- Interactive model of simplest vibrating system
- Interesting links
- International Master Degree Program
- International Master Degree Programme
- International collaboration
- Ivan Vsevolodovich Meshcherskiy
- Kelvin's medium
- Kelvin medium
- Krivtsov A.M.
- Kuzkin V.A.
- Laboratory Mini FabLab
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- M.B. Babenkov
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- MSc thesis preparation
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- Mathematical Methods in Mechanics
- Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics
- Mathematical methods in mechanics
- Mechanics in XXI century
- Mechanics of Heterogeneous Media
- Mechanics of Media with Complex Structure
- Mechanics of Multi-Component Media
- Mechanics of Shells
- Mechanics of Thin Shells
- Mechanics of multi-component media with exchange of mass and non-classical supplies
- Mechanics of thin-wall constructions
- Mechanics of thin shells
- Methods for Solving Elasticity Problems
- Micromechanics of Heterogeneous Media
- Micromechanics of materials and structures
- Mikhail Babenkov
- Modeling of a shock absorber
- Modeling of shock absorber
- Modern problems of mechanics
- Msc
- Nanomechanics
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- Nikhil Mohanan
- Non-classical particles and continua consisting of these particles
- Non-linear dynamic processes
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Nonlinear dynamics processes
- Nonlinear oscillations of cargo with the driving force
- Nonlinear waves in nanostructures
- Nosé–Hoover thermostat
- Numerical Methods
- O.S. Loboda
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- One-dimensional Brownian motion
- Open Days
- Origin of the Moon. New Concept
- P.A. Zhilin
- Panchenko Artem
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- Periodic vacancies in a crystal lattice
- Personal Research Project
- Personal Research Project / Industrial Internship
- Personal research project
- Personal research project / industrial internship
- Photomechanics™
- Podolskaya Ekaterina
- Polat Umut
- Polina dyatlova
- Professional Skills Development
- Project "Thermocrystal"
- Research Seminar
- Research and Education Center "Biomechanics and Medical Engineering
- Research of the elementary nonlinear oscillatory system
- Risk Assessment and Analysis
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- Solar System model
- Special Problems in Mechanics and Mathematical modeling
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- Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics
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- Students science projects
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- The movements dispersion of one-dimensional crystal
- The research of simple linear vibrating system
- The study of simple linear vibrating system
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- Thesis Research in Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling
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- V.A. Kuzkin
- V.Yu. Shubina
- V. A. Kuzkin
- Varvara Shubina
- Virtual laboratory
- Vitaly A. Kuzkin
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- А.М. Кривцов
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- Антон Кривцов
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