From Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Anton Krivtsov
- Master of Engineering, Leningrad Polytechnical Institute, Russia, 1990 (Physical and Mechanical Faculty, "Mechanics and Control Processes Department", scientific adviser P.A. Zhilin, thesis title: "On the theory of media with microstructure").
- Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia, 1995 (Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, scientific adviser P.A. Zhilin, thesis title: "Dynamics of an unbalanced rigid body on elastic supports").
- Probation, Department of Engineering, The University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 1999-2000 (Vibration Enhanced Drilling Research Group (VED-RG), head Marian Wiercigroch).
- Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia, 2002 (Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, scientific adviser P.A. Zhilin, thesis title: "Deformation and fracture of solids with microstructure".
- Scientific work (research, work with students, talks, papers and books, reviewing)
- Organizational work (the department, laboratories, centers, counsils, projects, scientific and educational programs, seminars)
- Teaching (undergraduate, PhD and doctoral students)
- International Conference “Advanced Problems in Mechanics” (Co-Chairman)
- Center for scientific and technical creativity of the youth (Scientific supervisor)
- Popularization of science (lectures, papers, web pages; virtual laboratory)
- Programming and Computer Simulation (С++, JavaScript, computational mechanics)
Research Interests
- Discrete and continuum mechanics
- Particle and molecular dynamics
- Nanomechanics
- Geomechanics
- Computer methods in mechanics
- Multibody dynamics
- Nonlinear oscillations
- Astrophysics
Recent Publications
- V.A. Kuzkin, A.M. Krivtsov High-frequency thermal processes in harmonic crystals. Doklady Physics, 2017, № 5.
- A.Yu. Panchenko, E.A. Podolskaya, A.M. Krivtsov. Analysis of equations of state and determination of the Gr¨uneisen function for two-dimensional crystal lattices. Doklady Physics, 2017, № 2.
- I.E. Berinskii, A.M. Krivtsov. A hyperboloid structure as a mechanical model of the carbon bond. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016, 96, pp. 145-152. (abs, pdf)
- V.A. Kuzkin, A.M. Krivtsov, E.A. Podolskaya, M.L. Kachanov. Lattice with vacancies: elastic fields and effective properties in frameworks of discrete and continuum models. Philolosphical Magazine, 2016 (download pdf: 4,43 Mb)
- E.A. Podolskaya, A.Yu. Panchenko, A.B. Freidin, A.M. Krivtsov. Loss of ellipticity and structural transformations in planar simple crystal lattices. Acta Mechanica, 2016, 227(1), 185-201 (download pdf: 3.68 Mb)
- A.M. Krivtsov. On unsteady heat conduction in a harmonic crystal. 2015, ArXiv:1509.02506 (abstract, pdf, simulation)
- A.M. Krivtsov. Heat transfer in infinite harmonic one dimensional crystals. Doklady Physics, 2015, Vol. 60, No. 9, pp. 407–411. (Download pdf: 190 Kb)
- Classical mechanics
- Vector and tensor calculus
- A.M. Krivtsov: the page at the IPME RAS website.
- Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SPbPU
- Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (IAMM)
- Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU)
- Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering Russian Academy of Sciences (IPME RAS)