Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Admissions (undergraduate, graduate, PhD)
- Club for Young Engineers and Scientists YES™
- PhD studentship
- Open Days. The interview
- Interesting links
- Contacts
Department: people, events, facts
<toggledisplay status=hide showtext="Departmental community (staff, students...) ↓" hidetext="Departmental community (staff, students...) ↑" linkstyle="font-size:default">
Page for staff membersEducation
<toggledisplay status=hide showtext=" Schedules↓" hidetext=" Schedules↑" linkstyle="font-size:default">
Details... </toggledisplay>
Curriculum: bachelor programs, masters programs
Scientific work
<toggledisplay status=hide showtext="Research directions↓" hidetext="Research directions↑" linkstyle="font-size:default">
- Biomechanics
- Space mechanics
- Mechanics of discrete media
- Continuum mechanics
- Mechanics of rods and shells
- Mechanics of flight and navigation
- Nanomechanics
Suggested topics for research...
<toggledisplay status=hide showtext="Applied researches↓" hidetext="Applied researches↑" linkstyle="font-size:default">
- Nuclear power
- Oil and gas
- Percussive drilling
- High-speed video filming
- Equipment for 3D-filming
- Construction mechanics
- Extreme sports
- Details...
<toggledisplay status=hide showtext="Unique equipment and software↓" hidetext="Unique equipment and software↑" linkstyle="font-size:default">
- Supercomputers
- High-speed camera
- Software package for granular media modeling EDEM
- Laboratory Mini FabLab™
- Photomechanics™ (studio for technical photo and video filming)
- 3D models of mechanisms
Contact information
Address: 29, Polytechnicheskaya st., 195251, St.Petersburg, Russia. (Hydro Building 1, rooms 202, 238).
Telephone: +7-812-2909872
Telephone for admission: +7-906-2522554 (vice chair Vitaly Kuzkin)
Skype: Theormech_spbgpu
E-mail mechanics
phmf.spbstu.ruE-mail for admission: kuzkinva Vitaly Kuzkin)
gmail com (vice chairWebsite: mech.spbstu.ru
- Center for Scientific Creativity of the Youth (SCY)
- Joint Laboratory "Discrete models in mechanics" (DMM™)
- Laboratory "Discrete models in mechanics" IPME RAS (DMM)
- Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics SPbSTU (IAMM)
- St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University (SPbSTU)
- Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engeneering of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPME RAS)
Ключевые слова: куда пойти учиться, день открытых дверей, проходной балл, абитуриент, поступление в ВУЗ, ВУЗы, ЕГЭ, математика, физика, механика, моделирование, программирование, информатика, робототехника, образование, престижное образование, Политех, СПбГПУ, физмех, физ мех, мехмат, мат мех, матмех, мат мех, теор мех, yes tm, международное сотрудничество, теормех, бакалавр, магистр, бакалавриат, магистратура, аспирантура, военная кафедра, поступление в бакалавриат, поступление в магистратуру, СПб, магистратура за рубежом, обучение за рубежом, два диплома, стажировки за рубежом, зарубежные стажировки, трудоустройство, фудаментальное образование, перспективное образование, научная работа, мультидисциплинарное образование, engineering, mechanics, mechanical engineering, computer simulations, programming, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, multidisciplinary, прикладная математика, прикладная механика, институт прикладной математики и механики, ИПМиМ, ИПММ, 010800, 010303, 010403 Механика и математическое моделирование, IT