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From Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
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(Program structure)
(17 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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'''''1st semester (30 credits)'''''
'''''1st semester (30 credits)'''''
*[[Computational mechanics|Computational Mechanics]]  
*History of Science and Scientific Methods (3 credits)
*[[Nonlinear dynamics processes|Nonlinear Dynamics]]
*Foreign Language in the Professional Sphere (2 credits)
*[[Mathematical methods in mechanics|Mathematical Methods in Mechanics]]
*Scientific Discussion (3 credits)
*[[Tensor analysis|Tensor Calculus]]
*[[IT in Mechanics]] (2 credits)
*[[Dynamics of Thin-Walled Structures]] (4 credits)
*[[Energy and Environment]]
*[[Thermodynamics]] (4 credits)
*[[Dynamics of Thin-Walled Structures]]
*[[Mathematical methods in mechanics|Mathematical Methods in Mechanics]] (4 credits)
*[[Advanced Problems in Mechanics|Advanced Problems in Mechanics]]
*[[Energy and Environment]] (2 credits)
*[[Research Seminar|Research and Modeling Seminar]] (6 credits)
[[File: IntStud.JPG|300px|thumb|right]]
[[File: IntStud.JPG|300px|thumb|right]]
Line 64: Line 66:
'''''2nd semester (30 credits)'''''
'''''2nd semester (30 credits)'''''
*[[Energy and Environment]]
*Foreign Language in the Professional Sphere (2 credits)
*[[Risk Assessment and Analysis]]
*[[IT in Mechanics]] (3 credits)
*[[Computer Modeling]]
*[[Advanced Problems in Mechanics|Advanced Modeling in Mechanics]] (5 credits)
*[[Computational mechanics|Computational Mechanics]]  
*[[Computer Modeling]] (4 credits)
*[[Waves in Continua]]
*Continuum Mechanics (2 credits)
*[[Advanced Modeling in Mechanics]]
*[[Computational mechanics|Computational Mechanics]] (2 credits) 
*[[Research Seminar]]
*[[Nonlinear dynamics processes|Nonlinear Dynamics]] (2 credits)
*[[Research Seminar|Research and Modeling Seminar]] ( 10 credits)
Line 76: Line 80:
'''''3rd semester (30 credits)'''''
'''''3rd semester (30 credits)'''''
*[[Personal research project|Personal Research Project]] (4 credits)
*[[Micromechanics of Heterogeneous Media]] (3 credits)
*[[Dynamics of discrete media|Dynamics of Discrete Media]] (4 credits)
*[[Energy and Environment]] (3 credits)
*Distance Courses (5 credits)
**[[Research Seminar|Research and Modeling Seminar]] (11 credits)
*[[Dynamics of discrete media|Dynamics of Discrete Media]]
*[[Computer Modeling]]
*[[Computational mechanics|Computational Mechanics]]
*[[Micromechanics of Heterogeneous Media]]
*[[Personal research project|Personal Research Project]]
'''''4th semester (30 credits)'''''
'''''4th semester (30 credits)'''''
*[[Personal research project / industrial internship|Personal Research Project / Industrial Internship]]
*[[Research Seminar|Research and Modeling Seminar]] (12 credits)
*[[MSc thesis preparation|MSc Thesis]]
*[[MSc thesis preparation|MSc Thesis]] (18 credits)
===''''''Academic plan''''''===
===''''''Academic plan''''''===
[[Academic plan of the International Master Degree Program "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling"]]
==1 course==
[http://tm.spbstu.ru/Динамика_дискретных_и_континуальных_систем_(международная_образовательная_программа_на_иностранном_языке)#1_.D1.81.D0.B5.D0.BC.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D1.80/ Учебный план международной магистерской программы "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling"]
1 semester
{| class="wikitable"
!Teacher's name
|History and methodology of science
|Foreign language in the professional sphere
|Scientific discourse
|Computer technologies in mechanics
|Dynamics of thin-walled structures
|Mathematical Methods in Mechanics
|Ex Cred
|Energy and Environment
|Dynamics of structures
|Research work
2 semester
{| class="wikitable"
!Teacher's name
|Foreign language in the professional sphere
|Computer technologies in mechanics
|Modern models in mechanics
|Ex Cred
|Computer Modeling
|Mechanics of continuous media
|Risk Assessment and Analysis
|'''Nonlinear Dynamics'''
|'''Waves in continuous media'''
|Research work
==2 course==
1 semester
{| class="wikitable"
!Teacher's name
|Personal Research Project
|Mechanics of continuous media
|Mechanics of heterogeneous media
|Dynamics of Discrete Media
|Computational Workshop on Mechanics
|Energy and Environment
|Dynamics of structures
|Research work
'''''Scientific and Research work'''''
'''''Scientific and Research work'''''

Revision as of 16:07, 5 February 2018

MSc in Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling

Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

Program supervisor: Prof. Anton M. Krivtsov, DSc, Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

The MSc program is led by the top-ranked professors of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, as well as the top European technical universities. The underlying concept of MSc “Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling” is to provide the students with a balanced combination of the fundamental knowledge and practical skills in mechanics to model various phenomena in physics, social sciences, biology, economy, etc. All lectures and seminars are delivered in English.

Program Objective

The program is aimed at training highly professional scientists and engineers with the background and practical experience in theoretical mechanics, computational mechanics, mathematical modeling and simulations, and distributed computing. Upon graduation, the participants will acquire practical skills and fundamental knowledge for professional career development in international engineering or research companies. Special focus is set on renewable energy, namely, the skills can be applied to reliability and strength analysis of such alternative energy sources as solar panels and wind power equipment, as well as power stations based geo- and hydrothermal energy, and ocean energy.

Financial support

The Government of Russia offers international applicants a possibility to get a financial support (state-funded spots) for the entire duration of the chosen educational program. The financial support covers the tuition fee, accommodation in the university dormitory and an average monthly scholarship.

You can read more about the application process here.

Please note that after you pass qualifying tests your application will be considered locally at the university you have chosen, and there is no guarantee that you will enter this particular university.

Attention! If you apply for this government financial support and choose the International MSc Program “Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling” at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, we will make every effort to convince the University authorities to support your application. Please, do not hesitate to contact us regarding any queries you may have.

Key advantages

1. The graduates will have an opportunity to work in research institutes, centers and laboratories. They will be able to find employment at R&D and engineering departments of oil and gas, car-making, power and engineering, or aerospace industries among others.

2. The balanced combination of the theoretical courses in mechanics and mathematics with the practical exercises, workshops and IT training sessions, simulations and distributed computing.

3. Unique opportunities for international academic mobility: a semester abroad at one of SPbPU partner universities.

4. An unrivalled opportunity for Russian and international students to participate together in SPbPU academic and extracurricular activities.

5. Support for the students' individual research project and technical ideas.

Program structure

Duration and format

The course lasts for two years of full-time study on a contract basis. The Double Degree Program with Leibniz University Hanover (LUH) and Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT). Short-term (2 months) internships at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and LUH, long-term (6 months – 1 year) internships at LUT.

Program content

Compulsory courses, MSc thesis. The compulsory lecture courses and MSc Thesis are included into the syllabus.

IMG 7267.JPG

1st semester (30 credits)


2nd semester (30 credits)


3rd semester (30 credits)

4th semester (30 credits)

'Academic plan'

Academic plan of the International Master Degree Program "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling"

Учебный план международной магистерской программы "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling"

Scientific and Research work

The scientific work comprises of two research directions: Discrete Media Mechanics and Continuum Mechanics.

The researches in the area of Discrete Media Mechanics are run by the joint laboratory of the Department Theoretical an Applied Mechanics and Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of Russian Academy of Sciences.

Laboratory "Discrete Models in Mechanics" carries out researches on the various problems of the modern science: formulating fundamental laws of the discrete media mechanics; developing models of the interparticle interaction; defining properties of the discrete media at the different scale levels; establishing the relationship between the micro- and macro- properties of the discrete media; modeling of the thermomechanical properties of crystalline and amorphous materials, materials with a nanostructure; shock wave processes in solids; dynamics of granular media; fracture and structural phase transitions; chemical processes; astrophysical processes; sociological processes; biological evolutionary processes, etc.


Various analytical and numerical models in the field of Continuum Media Mechanics being proposed by the researchers of the Department describe the following phenomena: thermal conductivity, internal friction, electromagnetic phenomena, interaction of electromagnetic fields with matter, phase transformations, chemical reactions, fracture, deformation of thin-walled structures and nano-objects. In particular, the researchers propose new models of a particle with a complex internal structure and extra degrees of freedom, as well as thermomechanical processes based on the models of thermal conductivity; develop fundamentals and methods of experimental mechanics, models of solid-state transitions and transitions from liquid to gas; describe the influence of the form of the strain state and material parameters on the kinetics of new phase formation.

The Department conducts applied investigations for the leading Russian research organizations, e.g. reliability of nuclear power plants; inertial navigation and sports biomechanics, modeling of oil and gas production, modeling of coke formation in rocket engines, thermal, electrical and strength analysis of aluminum electrolytic cells, development of calculation methods for thin-walled structures, high-speed video and photomicrography, etc.

Teaching methods

The process of education consists of basic lectures and practical classes, supplemented with short- and long-term courses by local and visiting professors. There is aso a possibility of individual training plan based on the students’ scientific interests, which provides a wide choice of case studies, cross-cultural team work, expert workshops, study visits to enterprises and internships at research centers and companies of St. Petersburg. Hands-on training courses help to plunge into the cutting edge scientific computing. Special resources of SPbPU, the supercomputing center and digital fabrication laboratory “Fab Lab Polytech” will be available for students.

Program Staff

Prof. Anton M. Krivtsov, Head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics

Prof. Dmitry A. Indeitsev, Scientific Advisor of the Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of Russian Academy of Sciences

Prof. Elena A. Ivanova

Prof. Alexey V. Porubov

Dr. Elena N. Vilchevskaya

Dr. Olga S. Loboda

Dr. Vitaly A. Kuzkin

Dr. Ekaterina A. Podolskaya

Dr. Alexander A. Le-Zakharov

Dr. Mikhail B. Babenkov

MSc. Artem Yu. Panchenko

MSc. Denis V. Tsvetkov

Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil.Dr.h.c.mult. Holm Altenbach

Prof. Matti Alatalo

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. W. H. Müller

Laboratories and equipment

1. Laboratory of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics: supercomputers, 3D-model of the crystal structures, models of machines and mechanisms

2. Fab Lab Polytech: milling machines, cutting machine, 3D-printers, laser cutter and engraver, cutting plotter, laser machine, bending machine, bandsaw

3. Studio "Photomechanics": high-speed video and photomicrography and photographic equipment.

PhD programs

The following graduate courses are offered at Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics:

  • Theoretical Mechanics (01.02.01);
  • Solid Mechanics (01.02.04);
  • Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Software Complexes (05.13.18).

The possible research topics are listed here.

To sign up for an interview, write us an email to loboda_o[math]@[/math]mail.ru, kspfrolova[math]@[/math]gmail.com

Key facts

Admission requirements: Applicants are required to hold a Bachelor’s, Specialist’s or Master’s degree in the related subject area. Applicants should demonstrate English language proficiency at B+ level

Admission tests: An examination in the field of mechanics and an interview in English with a program coordinator (in person or via Skype)

Admission procedure: An applicant must complete a written online application. The application deadline is June 30. The applicants may find additional information at the official website of SPbPU: http://english.spbstu.ru/

Semester Begin Date: September 1 (Fall Semester)

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Length of program: 2 years

Degrees awarded: Master of Science (MSc)

Tuition fees: to be announced

Contact details

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Dr. Olga Loboda, Program Coordinator

29, Polytechnicheskaya str., University building, 195251 St. Petersburg

Telephone: +7 952 247 40 33

E-mail: tmech.imdp[math]@[/math]gmail.com

WWW: masterdegreerussia.com

TAGS: Master Mechanics. Master Engineering. Master Russia. MS program.