Solar System model
From Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
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Virtual laboratory > Solar System model
This model demonstrates the real attitude of the orbital periods of the planets.
The radiuses of the planet orbits, as well as the sizes of the planets and the Sun are shown in a logarithmic scale.
Download: (the program + pictures of the planets).
The text of the program is written in JavaScript (the developer is Цветков Денис):
Файл "Solar_System_v2_release.js"
1 function Main_Solar(canvas) {
3 canvas.onselectstart = function () {return false;}; // ban of allocation of canvas
5 // Preliminary installations
7 var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); // context for drawing
9 var m0 = 1; // weight (mass of Earth)
10 var t0 = 1; // time (1 turn of Earth round its pivot-center (1 day))
11 var a0 = 1; // distance (astronomical unit - distance from the Sun to Earth)
13 var r0 = 4.2588e-5 * a0; // Earth radius
14 var t1 = 365.2564 * t0; // 1 turn of Earth around the Sun (1 year)
16 // *** calculation parameters ***
18 var fps = 60; // frames per second
19 var dt = 0.5 * t0; // integration step
20 // *** Implementation of the program ***
22 var space_objects = [];
23 // distance and time_around_Sun values at the sun are made in order that it flickered because of the movement
24 space_objects.push({name:"Sun", mass:333000*m0, distance:0.001*a0, radius:109.21*r0, time_around_Sun:60*t0, phase:0, color:"#f6e209", file:"VL_SS_Sun.png"});
25 space_objects.push({name:"Mercury", mass:0.05527*m0, distance:0.387*a0, radius:0.3829*r0, time_around_Sun:87.97*t0, phase:0, color:"#de442c", file:"VL_SS_Mercury.png"});
26 space_objects.push({name:"Venus", mass:0.815*m0, distance:0.723*a0, radius:0.949*r0, time_around_Sun:224.7*t0, phase:0, color:"#e8b633", file:"VL_SS_Venus.png"});
27 space_objects.push({name:"Earth", mass:1*m0, distance:1*a0, radius:1*r0, time_around_Sun:1*t1, phase:0, color:"#3e6286", file:"VL_SS_Earth.png"});
28 space_objects.push({name:"Mars", mass:0.107*m0, distance:1.523*a0, radius:0.532*r0, time_around_Sun:1.88*t1, phase:0, color:"#752814", file:"VL_SS_Mars.png"});
29 space_objects.push({name:"Jupiter", mass:317.8*m0, distance:5.2*a0, radius:10.97*r0, time_around_Sun:11.86*t1, phase:0, color:"#8c694d", file:"VL_SS_Jupiter.png"});
30 space_objects.push({name:"Saturn", mass:95.2*m0, distance:9.54*a0, radius:9.45*r0, time_around_Sun:29.46*t1, phase:0, color:"#c69e47", file:"VL_SS_Saturn.png"});
31 space_objects.push({name:"Uranus", mass:14.53*m0, distance:19.19*a0, radius:4*r0, time_around_Sun:84.02*t1, phase:0, color:"#4e659b", file:"VL_SS_Uranus.png"});
32 space_objects.push({name:"Neptune", mass:17.14*m0, distance:30.06*a0, radius:3.88*r0, time_around_Sun:164.78*t1, phase:0, color:"#4e6fbc", file:"VL_SS_Neptunes.png"});
33 // space_objects.push({name:"Pluto", mass:0.0022*m0, distance:39.53*a0, radius:0.18*r0, time_around_Sun:248.09*t1, phase:0});
34 // space_objects.push({name:"Haumea", mass:777*m0, distance:777*a0, radius:777*r0, time_around_Sun:285*t1, phase:0});
35 // space_objects.push({name:"Makemake", mass:777*m0, distance:777*a0, radius:777*r0, time_around_Sun:309.88*t1, phase:0});
36 // space_objects.push({name:"Erida", mass:777*m0, distance:777*a0, radius:777*r0, time_around_Sun:557*t1, phase:0});
37 // space_objects.push({name:"Sedna", mass:777*m0, distance:777*a0, radius:777*r0, time_around_Sun:12059*t1, phase:0});
39 for (var i = 0; i < space_objects.length; i++) {
40 space_objects[i].phase = Math.random() * 360;
41 }
43 var scale = canvas.height / a0 / space_objects.length / 2.1; // large-scale coefficient for transition from settlement to screen coordinates
44 var w = canvas.width / scale; // window width in settlement coordinates
45 var h = canvas.height / scale; // window height in settlement coordinates
46 // Generation of stars
47 var stars = [];
48 function generate_stars() {
49 for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
50 //set color
51 var r = (0x1a0 + (Math.random()) * 0x5f).toString(16).substr(1,2);
52 var g = (0x1a0 + (Math.random()) * 0x5f).toString(16).substr(1,2);
53 var b = (0x1a0 + (Math.random()) * 0x5f).toString(16).substr(1,2);
54 stars[i] = {x:Math.random() * w * scale, y:Math.random() * h * scale, color:'#' + r + g + b};
55 }
56 }
58 // Main cycle of the program
59 function control() {
60 physics();
61 draw();
62 }
64 // calculation part of the program
65 function physics() {
66 for (var i = 0; i < space_objects.length; i++) {
67 space_objects[i].phase += 360 * dt / space_objects[i].time_around_Sun;
68 }
69 }
71 // loading of images of planets
72 function load_pics() {
73 for (var i = 0; i < space_objects.length; i++) {
74 if (!space_objects[i].file) continue;
75 var pic = new Image();
76 pic.src = "Pics/" + space_objects[i].file;
77 space_objects[i].pic = pic;
78 }
79 }
81 // drawing
82 function draw() {
83 // dark sky
84 context.fillStyle = "#000000";
85 context.fillRect(0, 0, w * scale, h * scale);
87 // stars
88 for (var i0 = 0; i0 < stars.length; i0++) {
89 context.fillStyle = stars[i0].color;
90 context.fillRect(stars[i0].x, stars[i0].y, 1, 1);
91 }
93 for (var i = 0; i < space_objects.length; i++){
94 var p = space_objects[i];
95 var ro = 1.9 * Math.log(1 + 2.5 * p.distance / a0) * a0;
96 var fi = p.phase / 180 * Math.PI;
97 var xS = (w / 2 + ro * Math.cos(fi)) * scale;
98 var yS = (h / 2 + ro * Math.sin(fi)) * scale;
100 // trajectories
101 context.beginPath();
102 context.arc(w / 2 * scale, h / 2 * scale, ro * scale, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
103 context.strokeStyle = "#516185";
104 context.stroke();
106 // space objects
107 if (p.pic) {
108 var r = 0.1 * Math.log(1 + 8 * p.radius / r0) * a0 * scale;
109 var wh = p.pic.width / p.pic.height;
110 context.drawImage(p.pic, xS - r * wh, yS - r, r * 2 * wh, r * 2);
111 }
112 }
113 }
115 // Start of the system
116 load_pics();
117 generate_stars();
118 setInterval(control, 1000 / fps);
119 }
Файл "Solar_System_v2_release.html"
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html>
3 <head>
4 <meta charset="UTF-8" />
5 <title>Solar System</title>
6 <script src="Solar_System_v2_release.js"></script>
7 </head>
8 <body>
9 <canvas id="Solar_System" width="800" height="800" style="border:1px solid #000000;"></canvas>
10 <script type="text/javascript">var app = new Main_Solar(document.getElementById('Solar_System'));</script>
11 </body>
12 </html>
The proposed directions of the stand development
- Add satellites of planets, dwarf planets and other space objects.
- Show information about space object when aiming cursor on it.
- Add the rotation of the planets around their axis.
- "Incline camera" a little, for the better view
- Set real phases for the planets.
- Add the ability to view the status of the planets at a certain point (eg, time management slider)