Virtual laboratory

From Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Revision as of 20:45, 10 October 2015 by Денис (talk | contribs)

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Welcome to Virtual laboratory page!

Here you can see projects, that allow you to conduct experiments online in an interactive mode. You can investigate all possible systems: mathematical, mechanical, physical, biological, etc. Also, you can learn online programming and visualization.

Cellular automaton

The program, representing a classic game "Conway's Game of Life" with the ability to draw cells on the field by cursor.

Solar System

This model demonstrates the real attitude of the orbital periods of the planets. The radiuses of the planet orbits, as well as the sizes of the planets and the sun are shown in a logarithmic scale.

That application allows you to study the trajectory of a particle in a central power-law gravitational field.


The program simulates the dynamics of interacting particles. Each particle represents a viscoelastic sphere.


The program simulates the dynamics of one-dimensional crystal.


The program simulates different crystal lattice structures.