Research and Education Center "Biomechanics and Medical Engineering

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Research and Education Center "Biomechanics and Medical Engineering "


About the Center

Research and Education Center "Biomechanics and Medical Engineering" was opened at SPbPU by order "About the restructuring of SPbPU" № 304, dated 03.04.2016. (Download pdf: 290 Kb)

Main objectives of the center are::
  • Organization and managing scientific, educational, research, innovation, and international activities;
  • Implementation of the research results and innovation in the educational process SPbPU;
  • Improving the quality of the educational process and providing a high level of scientific researches incorporated into SPbPU curricula;
  • Conducting fundamental and applied researches in the field of biomechanics and biomedical engineering;
  • Development and implementation of educational programs in neuroscience, biomechanics and medical engineering, organizing student practice, scientific research, seminars and workshops, planning and carrying out experiments;
  • 3D printing development: manufacturing of items with complex geometry and structure, such as implants of internal organs and skeletal bones.

Directors of REC

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Head of REC "Biomechanics and Medical Engineering" Olga Loboda,
docent, Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, Deputy Head of Department of "Theoretical and Applied Mechanics" for academic affairs, senior researcher Laboratory for " Discrete Models in Mechanics (DMML)", Head of Research laboratory "Bionic systems"
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Scientific supervisorr REC "Biomechanics and Medical Engineering" Anton Кrivtsov,
Professor, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Head of Department "Theoretical and Applied Mechanics", Head of REC "Gazpromneft-Politech", Head of Laboratory ""Discrete models in mechanics" (DMM)", Scientific supervisor Center for scientific and technical creativity of the youth (SCY)
Scientific supervisor НОЦ «Биомеханика и медицинская инженерия» Nicholas Vasiliev,
Researcher Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston Massachusetts, USA, Head of RASA. The laboratory Medical Technology



Research laboratory "Bionic systems." TThe laboratory is focused on development in the area of bionic arms and legs prosthetics, remote control systems based on the muscle and brain activity.
The laboratory is oriented towards modern surgical equipment development: surgical robots and machines, automated catheters, implantable devices, etc.

Educational activities

The "Biomechanics and Medical Engineering"

The goals of the program: The bachelor of science degree provides a solid background in mathematics and mechanics, advanced computational methods and information technologies; giving students essential knowledge and skills needed to solve various problems in biology.
The general concept of the educational program is based on a combination of fundamental disciplines and various courses giving an insight into the modern methods and equipment used in the field of biology and physiology, computing methods and software packages allowing to solve a wide range of interdisciplinary problems of mechanics and biology.
The level of training allows the graduates to continue their education in the magistracy or to choose other educational program.
