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Кафедра ТМ > Портал сообщества > Research and Education Center "Biomechanics and Medical Engineering"

Research and Education Center "Biomechanics and Medical Engineering" "


About the Center

Research and Education Center "Biomechanics and Medical Engineering" was founded in SPbPU based on the order "About the restructuring SPbPU" № 304 from 03.04.2016. (Download pdf: 290 Kb)

The main purposes of the center are:
  • Organization and carrying out scientific and educational, research, innovation, and international activities; ;
  • Implementation of the results of research and innovation in the educational process SPbPU in order to improve the quality of the educational process and provide a high level of scientific research component of the curricula SPbPU;
  • Проведение фундаментальных и прикладных исследований в области биомеханики и биомедицинской инженерии;
  • Development and realization of educational programs in the field of neuroscience, biomechanics and medical engineering, organization of practice and research, seminars and workshops, perform experimental tasks medical direction;
  • Conducting research in the field of three-dimensional printing . Production of details with complex geometry and structure. Implants of the internal organs and skeleton printing.

Directors of REC

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Директор НОЦ «Биомеханика и медицинская инженерия» Ольга Сергеевна Лобода,
доцент, к.ф.-м.н., заместитель заведующего кафедрой "Теоретическая механика" по учебной работе, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории "Дискретные модели механики", директор Научно-исследовательской лаборатории "Бионических систем"
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Научный руководитель НОЦ «Биомеханика и медицинская инженерия» Антон Мирославович Кривцов,
профессор РАН, д.ф.-м.н., заведующий кафедрой "Теоретическая механика", директор НОЦ "Газпромнефть-Политех", заведующий лабораторией "Дискретные модели механики", научный руководитель ЦТТМ
Научный руководитель НОЦ «Биомеханика и медицинская инженерия» Николай Владимирович Васильев,
научный сотрудник Детского госпиталя г. Бостона, медицинского факультета Гарвардского университета, США, заведующий Лабораторией медицинских технологий



Research laboratory "Bionic systems." The laboratory is aimed (to develop the field) development in the field of bionic prosthetic arms and legs, including a remote control system based on the registration of muscle and brain activity.
The laboratory medical technology. The laboratory is oriented to the development of modern medical equipment for surgery: surgical robots and machines, automated catheters, implantable devices, etc..

Educational activities

The "Biomechanics and Medical Engineering"

The goal of the program: preparation of bachelors, with extensive knowledge in the common areas of mathematics and mechanics, advanced computational methods and information technologies; knowledge and skills focused on the solution of problems of biology.
The general concept of training is based on a combination of a large number of fundamental orientation courses with courses that give a concept of modern methods and instruments used for in the field of biology and physiology measurements, computational methods and computer software packages for a wide range of problems at the interface of biology and mechanics.
The nature and level of training of graduates allows them to study a Masters of this area or choose an educational route.
